Beginner's Fencing Courses

If you are new to fencing and are looking to give it a try, we offer a number of 7-week sessions where you will be instructed in the basics of epee. Those completing the course are awarded a certificate and can then join in with the larger junior or senior groups.


Course dates

We're pleased to announce the popular course will run again on

Friday 13th September 2024 - Friday 25th October 2024

Courses tend to be popular and get booked up quickly - we operate a waiting list so those that can't get on are given first refusal for the next. Please check back for details of new courses and taster sessions

Beginner's Course Registration Form

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Fencing Course Structure

The first week of each course is a free taster session. After this, you will need to confirm if you wish to proceed in case we have anyone on a waiting list. For those continuing the rest of the course, the fee is £42 for under-18s and concessions, and £56 for over-18s. This covers the stated period on the schedule, and cannot be used to cover 'normal' lessons in the club. If you cannot make the scheduled dates, please inform the committee and we can move your allocated booking to the next beginner's course.

Once you have gone through the course, you will have all the basic skills and experience to progress into either our junior or senior groups, where you can take advantage of advanced coaching, individual lessons, grade achievement awards and a wider range of opponents to hone your skills against.

Frequently Asked questions

Can I just turn up and give it a try?

You are welcome to come along and observe a session for free, but due to coaching cover we are having to run scheduled courses for complete beginners so our existing juniors can continue their progression. The first session of the beginner course is free, you do not have to pay anything if you decide fencing isn't for you.

Depending on demand, we will be running an extra 'drop in day' each term, just before the next course starts, in case you miss an earlier starting date.

What if I can't make all the sessions?

The course is designed to build on the essential set of skills you need to fence. If you cannot complete the course for any reason, please speak to a member of the committee about moving to a course on a later date. Committing to the 7-week structure allows all in the intake group to cover techniques at the same pace, without having to 'restart' for new members.

I want to start, but the course is booked up

We will be operating a waiting list, so if there are any last-minute cancellations we will contact the next on list. If you cannot make the assigned course, please let the committee know so we can accommodate those who are waiting and move you to a more convenient date. We will also be having one-off taster days later in the term before the next course starts where you can try things out.

How do I register?

Simply fill in the Beginner's Course Registration Form, or email to get in touch with the committee.

What do I need to bring?

You will need some good trainers (indoor court shoes are ideal), long tracksuit bottoms/leggings - not shorts (legs are a target in epee) and something to drink as it gets quite hot in the fencing gear. Swords, masks, jackets and gloves will be provided.

What happens at the end of the course?

Once you have finished the training course, you are welcome to join in with either the junior or senior groups, and train with the more experienced club members. You will also benefit from our experienced Head Coach and have the chance to take the British Fencing Association Epee Achievement Grades. You'll also be given a certificate from the club on completing the course, so you can boast to your friends!